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  • Annette Dawm

After the Show: Dan Davidson and Dani Strong

Yesterday was it was so nice to go to The Covent Garden Market to see Dan Davidson and Dani Strong! The weather has been crappy for a long time now so I had missed a lot of market days. When I read that Dan Davidson was coming to the market however, I knew I had to go! I have been listening to his song, "Found" almost every day for about a year now. I am just as excited about his song, "Barn Burner" which he played yesterday. Afterwards, Dani Strong played a few of her songs, which I really enjoyed and then it was time to go home! I love "Thirsty Thursdays" at the market because they're free and they bring in a lot of great artists for a couple hours which is just enough for me. It's nice to be able to do something in the middle of the day! Don't get me wrong, I love the big concerts but I also love being in bed before midnight. Below is a slideshow of some of my photos. This is the first time I was able to make one without the website crashing, so that's exciting! I hope you like them! (There are also a few photos at the end from inside and outside the market.)

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