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Be Square Show Announcement

Annette Dawm

YAY! I got into another art show! I am very excited about this one. I have been working on pieces for this show for a couple of months now. Everything had to be 12x12 inches and my work for the Wall Project ended up being 12.5x12.5 inches once it was inside a frame. So that meant I had to try something new.

I found out Michaels sold 12x12 canvasses so I gave that a few tries, but I learned they are nearly impossible to glue on with a glue stick. So I tried Mod Podge first and that made a mess, really, until I got the hang of it. One time, my sister, Michelle was at a museum or a gallery and she saw that someone was selling their work that was literally just strips of paper. We both thought I could do this, no problem, but it is something I hate doing. So I was going to enter this canvas, and I thought, "Nope." and sent it back with her to British Columbia.

Then I did something I was more comfortable with which was cutting up old newspapers and books. (I know, the horror!) I actually had a sheet already made up so I reused it from another project.

I have clear sticker paper so, I like using that so you can still see what's in the background, but it wasn't big enough for a 12x12 canvas.

So then I ordered some 12x12 stickers on Vistaprint and one turned out like I wanted and the other one didn't.

Max's face wasn't see through so I couldn't use this on a background full of words. Then I found out you could order 12x12 canvasses from with your design already on them.... In the words of Charlie Brown, "Aughhh". Luckily, it came very fast so I could still enter the show.

Here are my other two entries:

This one is neat because it has some raised flower stickers on it, but if I had known about the "Best Canvas" option, I would have done it differently.

I ended up changing this one but I didn't get a picture of the final product, so you'll have to come to the show to see how it turned out!

Once again, here is the information for the show: (The gallery is open on weekdays from 10-4.)

I am told there were about 50 entries so there's going to be a lot of different art! The opening night is October 3, from 6-8PM, so please come if you can so that I'm not sitting there like a lump haha!

Have a great day!



© 2025 By Annette Dawm

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