This year, I have entered two pieces of art at the 2nd annual Be Square Show. You can come see them along with all of the other entries from September 16 - October 11, 2019. The Opening Reception is September 19, 2019 from 5-8 PM. I will be attending that day and there will probably be snacks. :) I have created a Facebook Event Page if you would like to come. Please let me know so that I can wait for you there. If possible, I would like to go home early, so I don't want to miss you. (I only invited people that live nearby because I know it's annoying when you get invites to far off lands haha. Anyone can come and it's free.)
This is what it looked like last year and you can see more photos here.

My entries are similar to last year, but I think the style is less "cartoony". A lot of people asked me what the meaning was behind my entries last year, and to be honest, there was no meaning. I just wanted to make something cool. I used newspapers and books for the backgrounds which is fine, but after what I've learned this year with copyright issues and suggestions to use my own words, I decided to work a little differently.
Earlier this year, I found my teenage diary from 10 years ago. Yikes. 90% or more was not meant for other people's eyes, so that went into the recycling for some poor person to find later. The rest of it, I cut up for a background.

I didn't have enough left for two backgrounds, but a short time later, I found two booklets with short stories in them from even further back. Also yikes. They were definitely worth cutting up.

I had trouble with this one because it came out darker than I wanted. In real life, you can't read his shirt. I actually had to order this one twice.

I realized after going through the books that there was a lot of stuff going on with my mental health at the time and the girl represents the inner struggle and the boy represents the outgoing personality that tried to hide everything. I wrote more about that in my Artist Statement, but you will have to come to the show to see it. This time around, I think the meaning is that I overcame a lot of things in the last 10+ years, but like art or anything that you want to get better at, you still have to work at it every day.
I hope to see you at the show!
Now, looking ahead to next year, I would like to enter London Fringe Festival's Visual Fringe. I did it last year and took a break this year, which was just as well, because of the construction downtown. Next year will also be a challenge because The CMA Ontario Awards are coming back the first weekend of Fringe. This is what happened last year, but I will be okay as long as I don't volunteer at that time. You're probably thinking, "Wait! That's in May! Why are you worrying about that now?" To tell the truth, I am always worried, but the application for Visual Fringe comes out this month and spots go fast. So, I have to be prepared.
Last year, the entry fee was $90 and for this year it was $100. I am estimating that it could go up to $110. Even though I found a reasonably priced website to print new artwork for the show, my printing costs are also pushing $100.
So... I am going to put together a new book to try and offset the cost of Fringe, but also that I can hopefully sell at Fringe if they have the artist bazaar.
The new book will be $25 and it will contain my first 50 interviews with some updated information and photographs. It will also contain the art that I am entering into Fringe. Estimated arrival: May 2020 if not sooner-- I need to complete 6 more interviews before I can finish the book. You can pre-order it by sending $25 to my PayPal account here. (Any donation amount will be greatly appreciated!) If for some reason I don't get to 50 interviews by then, I will publish what I have.
To correspond with the book, my exhibit will be called "An Interview With..." and it will include work similar to The Be Square Show entries, but with my original photos and excerpts from 8 of my favourite interviews. (I was only allowed 8 entries last year so I assume that is the same.)

I still have brand new frames like these so that save money and be more sustainable.
Here is what I have been working on:

In addition to Chris Labelle and Brett Kissel, the other pieces will include: JoJo Mason, Leah Daniels, Aaron Pritchett, Doc Walker, Wes Mack and Devin Cuddy.
I hope these are things that you are excited about because I know I am excited, especially to see the finished products!
Also, this happened!

Thank you for your continued support!