If you have listened to Pure Country 93 (formerly BX93) in London, ON for the last few years, chances are you have heard Lynzee Barnett on your radio, or the iHeart Radio App. Lynzee has covered mornings, afternoons and evenings at the station, but she definitely has a favourite time slot: “Afternoons or evenings for sure! I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to cover mornings because at one point I thought that was my dream job. But after doing it for 13 months, I realized just how much of a lifestyle change it is, and it’s not for me. Afternoons and evenings allow me to sleep in later and maintain my personal life.”
Speaking of her personal life, Lynzee said that a common misconception of working in the radio industry is that listeners think they know the hosts well because they tune in every day: “Although a lot of what I say is personal, some people forget that parts of radio hosts lives are private. You don’t see or hear everything and we have bad days too!” Also, because of the light-hearted nature of Lynzee’s show, people tend to joke that she doesn’t actually work, which is untrue.
“…When I’m not on air, I’m also working in our promotions department. It’s part of my job to come up with new fun ideas especially for contest giveaways which can sometimes be stressful if you’re feeling off or not super creative. I wouldn’t say it’s hard work, but it follows me home. I can say I’ve lost a lot of sleep over the years trying to one up my own ideas or create something custom for artist interviews. I’m passionate about my work and I want that to be reflected…. I try hard to keep things light, positive, relatable and real. If people can zone out of their real lives for even five minutes while I’m on air and I can be a positive distraction, I know I’m doing something right! I want to make people smile and do what radio does best – connect us.” she continued.
Other aspects of Lynzee’s job include keeping concert announcements a secret and “embracing” the overplayed music, which she said is not a challenge at all: “I know part of my job is keeping secrets and not breaking that trust under any circumstances…. I love most of the music we play. So, quite often I’m blaring the music and singing while in between talking in the studio. There are also quite a few songs I’ve heard a million times that I still can’t get enough of. I think the key is finding a balance because outside of work I do have days where I only listen to my own music. I love music so much I’m constantly looking for more of it and across all kinds of genres.”
In addition to everything else, Lynzee has conducted many interviews with the artists she plays on the airwaves. Some of these experiences have become the most memorable moments on the job: “Honestly, every single person I’ve met, whether they’re an artist or a listener has left some kind of impression on me. There are definitely different things I will never forget, like blowing apart a piñata with Dallas Smith and a t-shirt gun, or emceeing the main stage at Boots and Hearts, but I try and remember one good thing from everyone I’ve met. I definitely have a different relationship with artists I’ve seen more often – there’s a comfort there, but it’s impossible to rank. I think the most valuable thing anyone can offer in life is time, and I’m grateful for every second I get with everyone.”
Surprisingly, working in radio was not her first choice as a career: “I actually went to school to be a reporter!” she explained. “My entire life, I knew I always wanted to be a Journalist and started in Radio at Pure Country 93’s sister station, Newstalk 1290 CJBK. Gary Taylor (from Pure Country 93) asked me about filling in on what was BX93 years ago, and I jumped at the opportunity. It didn’t take long before I was out of news and working for BX93 full time. It’s fun because I never, ever thought I would be a radio host when I was younger, but I can’t picture myself doing anything else.”
Lynzee believes that 2020 will be another year of adventures both on and off the air: “My life is so chaotic all the time and I love it. I’m a busy body who has an impossible time sitting still. I’ve learned the more I’m open to, and the more I say yes to, the more incredible experiences I have. I’ve had this strange feeling for the last few months that 2020 is going to rock me to my core. I’m not sure in which way, or what may happen next year, but I’m excited about it.”
Finally, when asked about her advice for future broadcasters, Lynzee Barnett replied: “Don’t get hung up on what other people are doing or saying. No one’s career paths look the same and it’s important to not compare yourself to anyone else. Work hard, focus on your craft and listen to what people say to you. Don’t forget to always listen to your gut, and remember that you’ll never learn to fly if you don’t fall down.”
For more information, please visit: www.purecountry93.ca .
Photo by Annette Dawm.
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